Source code for zc.intid.interfaces

# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2009 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
Interfaces for the unique id utility.

Note that most of these interfaces present identical method signatures
to those of their :mod:`zope.intid` counterparts.  This includes everything
that comprises the :class:`IIntIds` interface.

Note that the contracts for these APIs differs, primarily in not
requiring :class:`~zope.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference` support
(however, the provided lifecycle event subscribers in
:mod:`zc.intid.subscribers` *do* require this support).

The :class:`IIntIdsSubclass` and event interfaces are new.

import zope.interface

import zope.intid.interfaces

[docs]class IntIdMismatchError(zope.intid.interfaces.IntIdMissingError): """ Raised from ``getId`` if the id of an object doesn't match what's recorded in the utility. """
[docs]class IntIdInUseError(ValueError): """ Raised by the utility when ``register`` tries to reuse an intid. """
[docs]class IIntIdsQuery(zope.interface.Interface): """ Finding IDs by object and objects by ID. """ def getObject(uid): """ Return an object by its unique id :raises zope.intid.interfaces.ObjectMissingError: if there is no object with that id. """ def getId(ob): """ Get a unique id of an object. :raises zope.intid.interfaces.IntIdMissingError: if there is no id for that object. :raises zc.intid.interfaces.IntIdMismatchError: if the recorded id doesn't match the id of the object. """ def queryObject(uid, default=None): """Return an object by its unique id Return the default if the uid isn't registered """ def queryId(ob, default=None): """Get a unique id of an object. Return the default if the object isn't registered """ def __iter__(): """Return an iteration on the ids"""
[docs]class IIntIdsSet(zope.interface.Interface): """ Establishing and destroying the connection between an object and an ID. """ def register(ob): """Register an object and returns a unique id generated for it. If the object is already registered, its id is returned anyway. If not already registered, the registration is made and an :class:`IIdAddedEvent` is generated. """ def unregister(ob): """ Remove the object from the indexes. If the *ob* is not previously registered, this has no effect. An :class:`IIdRemovedEvent` is triggered for successful unregistrations. """
[docs]class IIntIdsManage(zope.interface.Interface): """Some methods used by the view.""" def __len__(): """Return the number of objects indexed.""" def items(): """Return a list of (id, object) pairs."""
[docs]class IIntIds(IIntIdsSet, IIntIdsQuery, IIntIdsManage): """A utility that assigns unique ids to objects. Allows to query object by id and id by object. """
[docs]class IIntIdsSubclass(zope.interface.Interface): """Additional interface that subclasses can usefully use.""" family = zope.interface.Attribute( """BTree family used for this id utility. This will be either BTree.family32 or BTree.family64. This may not be modified, but may be used to create additional structures of the same integer family as the ``refs`` structure. """) refs = zope.interface.Attribute( """BTree mapping from id to object. Subclasses can use this to determine whether an id has already been assigned. This should not be directly modified by subclasses. """) def generateId(ob): """Return a new iid that isn't already used. ``ob`` is the object the id is being generated for. The default behavior is to generate arbitrary integers without reference to the objects they're generated for. This method may be overriden. If this method returns an id that is already in use, ``register`` will raise an :exc:`IntIdInUseError`. """
[docs]class IIdEvent(zope.interface.Interface): """Generic base interface for IntId-related events""" object = zope.interface.Attribute( "The object related to this event") idmanager = zope.interface.Attribute( "The int id utility generating the event.") id = zope.interface.Attribute( "The id that is being assigned or unassigned.")
[docs]class IIdRemovedEvent(IIdEvent): """ A unique id will be removed. The event is published before the unique id is removed from the utility so that the indexing objects can unindex the object. """
[docs]class IIdAddedEvent(IIdEvent): """ A unique id has been added. The event gets sent when an object is registered in a unique id utility. """
class Event(object): def __init__(self, object, idmanager, id): self.object = object self.idmanager = idmanager = id @zope.interface.implementer(IIdAddedEvent) class AddedEvent(Event): pass @zope.interface.implementer(IIdRemovedEvent) class RemovedEvent(Event): pass
[docs]class ISubscriberEvent(zope.interface.Interface): """ An event fired by the subscribers in relation to another event. """ object = zope.interface.Attribute( "The object related to this event") original_event = zope.interface.Attribute( "The ObjectEvent related to this event")
[docs]class IAfterIdAddedEvent(ISubscriberEvent): """ Fired after all utilities have registered unique ids. This event is guaranteed to be the last event fired by the subscribers that register ids. It will be fired exactly once, no matter how many utilities registered ids. This has a similar purpose and structure to :class:`zope.intid.interfaces.IIntIdAddedEvent`. """ idmap = zope.interface.Attribute( "The dictionary that holds an (utility -> id) mapping of created ids")
[docs]class IBeforeIdRemovedEvent(ISubscriberEvent): """ Fired before any utility removes an object's unique ID. This event is guaranteed to be the first event fired by the subscriber that removes IDs. It will only be fired if at least one utility will remove an ID. """
@zope.interface.implementer(IBeforeIdRemovedEvent) class BeforeIdRemovedEvent(object): def __init__(self, o, event): self.object = o self.original_event = event @zope.interface.implementer(IAfterIdAddedEvent) class AfterIdAddedEvent(object): def __init__(self, o, event, idmap=None): self.object = o self.idmap = idmap self.original_event = event